Friday, March 07, 2003

going to india. when the something something...sorry i havent been on lately. i tried to write a few times but blogger wouldnt let me in one day. its ok now. i have songs in my head. if tonight is the last night ill see you then tomorrow i will something something away!!!!!ay!!! i had alot of anger and my computer sucks. i noticed another reason my anger cam about from the past few days. not just relationships and people, but in loss of hope. i noticed that i had what i called my last glimpse of hope on religion. it was a chance i gave for my so called god to appear. he didnt and instead everything went terribly wrong. wrong as in anger against my parents, my friends, my aquaintences, and my persons. but revelations came yesturday and today actually. i had my back fixed and i feel happy. im not intirely happy. when i get a 600 i will be. when my school gets a real sports team then i will be happy. as well as amazed. going to india watch all the elephants.

your fogar