Thursday, October 16, 2003

leaving you with problems unresolved. why is she looking out the window. im out of it. i kept changing my mind. i shouldnt be. im living in the world and its just there. i dont really look at it. i even forget my coat at work all the time. i just want to run out of that place. i feel like i dont get payed enough for my troubles yet i feel like im not trying. well theres always the world to escape to. ive been know to get out sometimes. its seem like i dont get out enough to really appretiate it all. thats ok i guess. im too bombarded it seems. to many things to do but end up not doing. all i am is a person we works, goes bowling, and is good in school. what else do i have within my individuality. i dont know. if i said i had a girl shed be part of it. but what else could be part of it. my family? my hobbys? what hobbys? what is a hobby? is it something im interested in. something im good at. something i like to do. but those things dont seem to make up my life. work, one hobby, school, relationship, and what else makes up a real person. what brings out something different in you. im not food, i was exorcise, i dont know anymore. work kindof took that over. i shall bring that back. yeah, i will. im familiar with it. it just takes time. squeeze it inbetween school, work, and sleep somewhere. then we are good. exorcise always make a person happier, healthier, and more fun to be around i think. i dont know. i just want to do something productive instead of sit around waiting for myself to do my homework.