Monday, October 24, 2005

Ive ended. this had ended. everything has ended. i need hope again. come back. finish all. get relieved. finish all. i know what i want. i know what i need to do. at least i know that. technology is working. i am moble. i have everything at my fingertips. i have resources. i have my bibleoteca. yes. that is life. living life is life is life. lazy...boring. done. awwe done.
your fogar

Sunday, October 09, 2005

antisocial. well. there goes one idea. i need to get involved in one area. all i have is nothing all i have is every alli have is one thing all i have i nothing all i have is never. all i am is a man here in on place, standing alone. with noone. i wish. dont we all. why why is it hard to do and act on one thing, be one thing, do do do do, its done one more thing to do with you is live my life again. i wish i had a reason give it to me. all i have is myself to keep everything together . im bearly here. the words escape me. your too late. im drowning in dimention. complicated.just takeing every thing away from me its taken away now. tink tink tittle tinktink.tittle silence. makes me crazy. let me tidle coming from me i need you so bad. i need a startup. i need to be selfish and i am full of myself. crazy. unpon let me. ripped right through me. pickup . so bad. now its present. im positive. about nothing nothing. no of the thing of an object. selfish and full of my self are the worst things to say to a person. they hurt like a stone in a stomache. for hours. your full of your self. dammit. janet. now and never. its one thing thati need to say . just leave and let it be. why do friends leave for better things. oh we must stay friends. i know how it feels to have someone say that. and i know how it feels to say that...i dont know anything. sure.. i guess. you could say that. that is apossibility if you want to say such a thing.its a possibility. i dont wanna know i dont know what iwanna know . i dont care whatt that is your smelling in the air i dont carei dont care i dont care. because i need to get involved in one area. tanks for quitting on me.