Sunday, July 09, 2006

I know every child did this when you were young. You got so angry at your friends that you told them or told your own self that you were never going to be their friend anymore. Such is life. Everyone does that. The next morning you go over to their house and ask them if they can come out to play. You are never separated for more than a day. But now your older and more stubborn. Now you can last far more than a day. May be a week, a year, or even a lifetime. It takes a strong man or woman to go up to you so called not friend and talk over your problems. You might just ignore the whole thing as in the past when you were a kid. Either way, don't let a stupid little grudge get in the way of a beautiful friend ship. Who cares if you joked around one time, said something that you didn't mean and pissed off your friend. I sure hope you care, I know I do.

your fogar

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Looking for action as in active living life looking for fun. Sexuality is life but passive till night. I know the wants and needs of my own but is that true to my hearts tone. None that I can recall for mainly everything is all. I am staying active mind and body but not with any hottie. The rhyming is just coming so don't be thinking something. Anything gay even though that's the way. Let it go. An old friend is sooo angry at me for stealing his "girl". The truth is that I didn't do any such thing. I only talked to the girl and friendship is what I bring. I don't want to get involved. Though I wish my singularity was solved. I have been asking girls out for fun but yet I have got none. I am trying to find someone looking for action. Active in life and friends. To do something with till the summer ends. Good girls are hard to come by. They say not on the face. They don't like the taste. That was a joke, laugh if you wish. The real ladies from college is what I miss.

your fogar

Monday, May 01, 2006

I feel like I just killed my own baby. I taught her a lesson and myself. You are the nicest person ever. grow a backbone drop me. If someone lied to me flat out and hurt me so, I would just drop them. Why do I have to do that for you? Hopefully you learned a lesson from that. Nothing is your fault believe it or not. That was quite awkward, to tell you that you should drop me. Why am I talking for you? that is why I tried to get you to start things and make things happen. The truth was that I didn't care that much about it. I didn't care enough to take your feelings into the equation. Thats why I didn't want to constantly hurt your feelings. What I wanted to do was to get you to understand that you have every right should break it and take it. Apparently I don't want it enough to care. I care more about my toys than about you. I wanted to get you off the edge. You only pulled me off the edge to safety. Puns were intended as the real words. I didn't want you to get so attached to me that you would forgive me for everything. I knew you would forgive me for everything and anything I did. I was trying to open your mind to understand that your beautiful. you did nothing wrong. I got everything i needed from you but then I started to misstreat you. I didn't want anymore of that to happen. I especially didn't want to make you cry. At least not that much. I still don't believe I did what I did to you. I wasn't mad at you. I was just mad that you didn't put me in my place.

your fogar