Wednesday, March 07, 2007

sorry about the light but let bring something to your mind. many travels have giving me some reasons to ask why do people use these drugs to impede themselves. now i believe that i wrote something on this long ago. now lets take it out of the box. I propose that it is all nostalgia from your childhood. this is if we talk of alcohol. other drugs are another story and personally i dont have much experience with them. but alcohol yes. i remember my writing on it was written before i had the experience of being drunk. now waystidness, as i shall hopefully call it, is like going back to the womb. we release our inhibitions yet we my know what is right and wrong we may not have any constraint for it. we are more likely to just go with our ideas. pointless things seem far more funny and stupid ideas are great ideas. i have thought many of times if it would actually be enjoyable to be reborn as a baby with the same knowledge and consciousness that i have now. would it really be? not able to have any conversation past what was on tv, or what this action figures name is. you can't talk about anything in a textbook because none of your friends would understand you. if you have babysat and played with the kids it is hard. it is fun in the beginning but it gets boring because it doesn't really challenge any thinking skills besides pretending. you may say that writing needs imagination...well it also requires manipulation of words and a knowledge of structuring a story. otherwise the story will not grab attention or interest. writing about something your interested in, even if no one will read it, is also different. this is because it is more of a conversation with your self. those i enjoy a lot. maybe not aloud but on this blog it is fun. back to the alcohol. when waystid i know that i feel free of my mature constraints. I have seen people get emotional when waystid, some people talk way to much, some people don't do anything. there are many different events that come about but they all lead to something that can be explained by loss of constraint or you can say maturity. one of my favorite effects of the waystidness is the blackout. this point can usually be noticed after the fact but by a veteran it can easily bee recognized for what it is. the turning point in the night where whatever you do you know your going to have a great time and not remember. the stories are a great benefit but the risk is also difficult. puking in your sleep in a big killer in alcohol related deaths. alcohol poisoning can be prevented as long as you know your limits. my limits are small but i know them. my point is not getting across because i am talking about other things but that is alright.
new subject: story attempt...did you take your vitamin c today? no but i will, they put it in everything now. i dont know why you wish for me to take it all the time now. no just prevents scuvey. we arent on a ship you retard. shoo..pp!!!! shut up asshole. fuck you...what is going on today. ahh that idea of writing drunkin journeys was a great idea. and........we should start it. i know your going to start writing and then give up. that's what happens all the time. fuck you. what is with all the potty. im just starting the party! knew what i said. times are changing and language changes. whatever not my problem. i have so much work to do. everyone does. duhhh. this is what preschool? sure is pre graduate school. yeah if thats what you plan on doing with your life. living at school forEVER! foREVER? no FOREv..heyyyy how goes it T? Im good. anything new B? no nothing...lifes what you give it..a sock..whaaa..???he's acting retarded again lets check that wording....yep retard. what's with all the retarded talk? we already talked about the potty ness of our talk today thankyou..A Party?!?!? funny G. but that's not what was said and you know it. it did sound somewhat like party. it's your accent dude. dont accent my potty dude. part? shut up dickface! you need a devil's haircut. ha funny man with the music innuendo. when i feel the snake bi.Shut it! always allow B to take it up a notch. a..waa..a...y..ys a..a.lllo.w screw this. im taking a dump. thanks for telling me B.
going to stop for today